Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bronwen Robbins Corset Designs

Here are some photos I did for Bronwen Robbins of her corset designs. Beautiful designs, and also for custom order for those interested!

-Larry M. Holder

The Melting Point - Metals Program Show At NBCCD

The Metals department has an amazing display of work up right now in the NBCCD Gallery. As before with the pottery show, "It All Begins with Clay", I helped set up the lighting. This show, "The Melting Point", was developed and conceived by the department head, Brigitte Clavette. It's really an incredible display! Below are the photos of the show, but really you have to see it to really get the full impact, so please, come visit the Gallery today!

And a few images from the opening!

Great job everyone!

-Larry M. Holder