Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring Time - Fredericton, NB in April

Well I think it's safe to say it's spring finally. The birds are back, the river is flooding and the sun is setting later. I was out and about the last couple days and shot a few images with my digital camera that I would like to share.

I also shot some film when I was on my adventures, but I'll have to wait till I have enough to make it worth getting developed. I'm sad the state of film is such as it is today, it's too bad the two mediums can't co-exist in this world.

-Larry M. Holder 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Rally for Our Right to Accessible Abortion

This took place in Fredericton, New Brunswick on April 17th at 12:30pm till 2pm. This rally represented a need to call out our "wonderful" government to provide a safe medical service right to the women of this province. For too long has our province lived in some sort of moral superiority over what is and isn't a equal right for all. Without getting to heated or political, the right for a woman to decide the fate of her body have have the same safe medical access we all do to just about every other procedure under the sun shouldn't even be a debate in this day and age. It was wonderful to see people of all ages come out in support and the number of supporters was just staggering. Needless to say, I was proud of my fellow east coasters, I say that because people from PEI and Nova Scotia also came. Even if the current government fails to provide human rights to it's people, lets hope the next one does, please vote in September.

- Larry M. Holder

NBCCD Fashion Show 2014 - Out of Sequins

The best things I can say about NBCCD, that makes me proud to be a two time graduate, is that the work that students produce year to year is so creative and beautiful it is always a sight to behold. One program there that always impresses in the Fashion Design program. This year's show is no exception. Words rarely do the images justice, or at least my words don't. Instead I will just present the images from start to finish, in order, something Facebook refuses to do, so we can all enjoy the sights that these talented alumni and students produced.

For those interested in this event, it is annual, I suggest going if you can, it's always a fun time.

- Larry M. Holder