Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Woodstock, New Brunswick - October 2013

Here's some shots I took during Thanksgiving weekend in Woodstock, New Brunswick. It's such a beautiful spot were I was visiting, the images are just stunning.

I also took a few lovely natural light portraits of my partner Jessie. Such a great spot for photos.

That's all for now, till next time!

-Larry M. Holder 

Medium Format Film Tests

These are a  few interesting images from some medium format film cameras have been testing out with the intent of buying. Some I missed out on and some I couldn't afford.

This shot is from a Pentax 6x7 shot on Kodak 120 Portra 160

This shot is from a Mamiya RB67 shot on Ilford 120 Delta 400

And these shots are from a Mamiya c330 shot on Ilford 120 Delta 400

For size and quality, I most enjoyed shooting with the c330. I still have a chance to buy it so it sounds like I may adding to my collection soon.

-Larry M. Holder 

Fredericton Pride Parade 2013

Here are my photos from the Fredericton Pride Parade 2013. It was a great turn out and super fun to shoot, it was the first one I was able to get too and I hope to make it a annual photo op. I feel it very important to support equal rights and diversity for all of us in this world. No one deserves to be outcasted or harassed for any reason, so I'm glad events like this exist to promote togetherness.  Now on to the pictures.

-Larry M. Holder

Ball Jointed Doll Meet - August 5th 2013

These are images I took during a meetup for Ball Jointed Doll owners. Not much to say, hopefully those interested will enjoy the images I took. I was very happy with my results from the day.

It's an extremely interesting and unique culture to explore. I suggest all those interested invest some time exploring it.

-Larry M. Holder 

InFusion - A Showing From Emerge Artist Collective

Back in June the artist collective, Emerge, in which I am I part of, had a highly successful opening. In this show, Infusion, we worked in pairs the construct our projects. Being there were 6 of us at the time, the end result being 3 very unique projects. I won't go into great detail on the projects, but rather let the images speak for themselves.

Nature's Course
Mark Cameron and Wendy Forrest

The Hatching 
Marsha Clark and Nancy Morin 

Dana O'Regan and Larry Holder

Here's a few more from the opening night.

For more information on the Emerge Artist Collective and our shows and members, please visit http://www.emergeartistscollective.com .

-Larry M. Holder