Now keep in mind these might not be exact, I'll have to run some tests in the TCC when I get there, I sure the lighting will differ slighting in that building. That being said, it will be pretty close, so if your going for a certain look in your photo, colour makes a big difference. I'll be more then happy to select for you, and I do have other colours on me, these ones just stand out the best. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone there and having a great time myself. Also, I should mention that this colour is a smaller highlight in the background compared to my studio work, but still really adds something. In fact, here are few "regular" photos I did outdoors using this setup and post process.
It didn't much show up in the first image due to the fact that it was a blue colour and a bright sunny day, but it's still a fun and sort of interesting image.
That's all for now, see all you convention goers in a few days!
-Larry M. Holder