Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some New Creative Portrait Work

I know I said this would be outside shots, but that model has yet to release the photos to me, so instead I'm going to post some images from the shoot I had today with the wonderful Natasha Sushkerich. There are slightly more of the creative shots on here because I have set a limit of 5 shots per model session on my website. It forces me to pick the best of the best and show off a little, however on here I can go a little more in depth. Here are the shots on the website.

And here are the others from my top picks, just to show a little bit of the thought process when editing work.

Though I really like these, I decided to stick with images that you can really see the face on for the website. Speaking of the eyes, I started lightening them a little in Lightroom to give them that extra pop and make them stand out. I love that what used to be hours for work in the darkroom can now be done in a few seconds with these programs. Great shoot all around, I've been very lucky finding models this year, putting up signs has been a great investment so far. Thanks to Natasha and everyone that has modelled so far, hopefully the ball keeps rolling uphill!

-Larry M. Holder

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Check out my new website which I designed using's super easy tools.

Point of Light Productions

-Larry M. Holder

Monday, November 7, 2011

Studio Shots Round Three

Once again continuing on with my creative lighting studio work, today's subject, Hilary Nguyen, an FVA student here at NBCCD. I used two background lights this time to try and an interesting grade to the white backdrop. The colours nicely merged in the middle and I'm very happy with the results. Thanks again Hilary you were a great model, a real natural.

Next update I'll hopefully have images up from my outdoor shoot from earlier in the day from this shoot, just waiting for the models approval on them. I'll close off with one more shot of Hilary I did with just the white background, even though it was for an assignment I still thought I'd share cause it's really nice.

Till next time.

-Larry M. Holder

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy 90th Birthday! Jean Holder - My Grandmother

For something a little lighter, here are some pictures I took at my grandmothers birthday party on November 4th.

Lot's of guests showed up:

MLA Bruce Northrup poped in for a visit:

Grammie and the great grandkids:

Grammie and her kids:

It was a great party and lots of great food, great way to celebrate her amazing life in this world.

-Larry M. Holder